Monday, April 15, 2019

Why are you always so tense? You just need to relax! - Part II

Just relax! That’s easier said than done, right? We can tense muscles, and we can relax them, most of them on command. But some of them, when left unattended for just a second, seem determined to just hold on. Why?? In my experience there are three main reasons: Habits, stress and fascial restrictions. Let's look at the second one:


Why does stress cause shoulder tension? Because tensing our shoulders is part of the “startle response” or “fight or flight reflex”, an ancient, hard-wired reflex rooted in the brainstem. It is meant as a defense mechanism against a sudden threat. Unfortunately our nervous system can’t tell the difference between a real, immediate threat to our life (This tiger is going to eat me any moment!) from an imagined one (If I don’t do this well, I might lose my job!). It is also distinctly unhelpful in the second situation, as along with creating shoulder tension, the reflex also impairs our ability for complex thinking. What can we do? We can remind our nervous system that (at least most of the time) there is no immediate threat to our life.
Here’s an example: You’re at work. You’ve got a deadline looming. The in-laws are coming and the house is a mess. And there’s that doctor’s bill… I bet that just reading this you can feel your shoulders creep up to your ears! But wait. You’re sitting at your computer, at your desk, in your office. People around you are going about their business. It’s warm. Your coffee is sitting right there. Nothing is trying to harm you RIGHT NOW. In this moment, you are SAFE. With practice and repetition, reminding yourself of this simple fact, RIGHT NOW I AM SAFE, you can calm down the startle response, and keep your brain functioning in a way that allows you to better solve the issues at hand.
All too commonly we have inadvertently trained ourselves to live in a constant state of fight or flight to survive. This not only feels bad to most people, but it is also harmful to our health. The constantly elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol increase blood pressure and blood sugar while impairing our immune system and digestive system. This puts us at risk for anxiety, depression, digestive problems, heart disease, sleep problems, weight gain and memory/concentration impairments to name a few.
Here are a few more ways to calm your body and lower your cortisol:
1.       Regular exercise such as kickboxing, weight lifting or a good match of tennis will give your “fight” response an outlet. Or you can let “flight” out with a run, bike ride or other aerobic endeavor.
2.       Spend time with friends! Social isolation feeds the stress. Personal connections on the other hand will help your and your friends’ nervous systems calm down.
3.       Mindfulness practices such as yoga, tai chi or meditation are great ways to help your system switch off the “fight or flight” response.
4.       So you find meditation boring or can’t tell if you’re doing it right? You can learn to control and over time train your body’s response using biofeedback such as HeartMath’s InnerBalance app (easier) or the Muse meditation headband (more challenging).
5.       If you are struggling with depression, anxiety or insomnia, a CES (Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation) device such as the Alpha-Stim might be helpful, and comes with fewer risks or side-effects than commonly used medications. These devices require a referral from a healthcare professional, so if you would like to pursue this further, you will have to get in touch with your provider.

The next time you feel stress coming on, remember to ask yourself: Is there really a "tiger"? Or can you reassure your mind that there is no imminent threat to life, and that you can take a moment to calm down and figure it out?

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Why are you always so tense?? You just need to relax!

That’s easier said than done, right? We can tense muscles, and we can relax them, most of them on command. But some of them, when left unattended for just a second, seem determined to just hold on. Why?? In my experience there are three main reasons: Habits, stress and fascial restrictions. Over the next three posts, we’ll look at each one.

Part one: Habits. Most of us have habits that cause tension, usually related to posture and repetitive movements. And as you probably know, changing a habit by sheer force of will is incredibly difficult. The reason for this is that a habit solves a problem. It is currently, or at one point was, the best thing to do to cope with a situation. The key to overcoming a “bad” habit then lies in recognizing the problem and helping your body find a better solution!

Here is an example: No matter how hard you try, you always end up slouching when sitting at your desk. Why? Because that is the position of least effort in your current environment. One major factor that makes sitting tall hard is that most of our chairs are too short. By simply raising your chair (and desk) you can make it easier on yourself to sit with better posture.

The next time you notice tension, take a moment to look at your position, at the way you are performing your task and at the equipment you are using. See if there is anything you can tweak, such as the angle of a keyboard, the size of a grip, the stiffness of a pedal or the position and flow of the things you are handling. Ask a friend or co-worker to observe you, or hire a professional such as a trainer to help you find a better way.

Thank you for reading! I hope this little series gives you some ideas and tools to address tension in your own body! Of course, if you would like more information, or if you would like help with any of the three challenges, please do get in touch here!

Yours in Health,
Dr. Claudia

Monday, January 29, 2018


Last night 1/28/2018 a large fire devastated the building my practice was in. Thankfully nobody was harmed. I am in the process of finding a new location. In the meantime, please get in touch if you have questions or need an urgent referral to another provider!

Yours in Health,
Dr. Claudia

Monday, February 13, 2017

*** Special Event!!!***

This Friday February 17, 7pm,


is returning to CIM/NPS for a special intimate house concert performance to showcase her new album "Real Freedom"!

Join us for music and snacks at our clinic
5125 SW Macadam Ave, Ste 210
Portland, OR 97239

Admission is free! (Donations to the artist welcome 😊)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

You may not feel like it, but here's why you should be drinking extra water right now!

When it's cold out, we often don't feel like drinking lots of water. And we're not sweating, so why should we?

During the usual Pacific Northwest Winter weather, when it's cold, damp and rainy, drinking your normal amount of water is just fine. But right now things are different: It's cold and dry.

Do you notice chapped lips? Dry hands? A drippy nose that tends to get sore when you blow it? All of these are external signs that the dry, cold air is sucking the moisture out of your skin.

What is less obvious is that with each breath you also lose moisture out of your lungs. That cloud of steam that you see when you exhale? That is the water you're losing. To make matters worse, the heater in your house is creating warm, dry air that is even more thirsty for water than the cold, dry air outside.

Losing all this water not only causes the dry skin, but will also make you tired, more prone to headaches, more susceptible to colds and more likely to get lightheaded and dizzy. Dehydration can even cause constipation and increase your risk of kidney stones or a stroke.

Still don't feel like drinking plain water? There are plenty of options that may feel better to you this time of year: Hot tea always feels good, or there are plenty of recipes for flavored water to be found online (cucumber is an easy one). Clear soups are an excellent way to hydrate and a perfect addition to a winter meal. Fruits and veggies naturally contain water, and are packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals, too.

If you feel the effects of the dry air strongly, are susceptible to colds, or have small children in the house, you may also want to invest in a humidifyer for your home. Just run it during the night next to the bed.

Whichever method works for you, just remember: If you notice that you are getting dried out on the outside, the same is happening on the inside, and it's time to hydrate!

Yours in Health,
Dr. Claudia

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Keep moving or else...

Did you know that after only three days of taking less than 5000 steps a day your blood sugar will start to spike after you eat? And that these spikes put you at increased risk for heart disease and diabetes? A new study shows that just increasing the amount of daily exercise will help level out those spikes, even if you don't change what you eat. So dig out that pedometer and start walking! And don't stop at 5000 steps! Can you make it to 10'000 steps a day?